Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

9F Spensa 2009/2010

masa-masa terindah d dlm hdupku yg prnh ada, "9f" i miss our friendship friends, pokokne TOP dah ni kelas (y).di foto ni ada aku, adit, teguh, bbu, bayu, ananta, angga, dicky, wegen, sama ledy
pngn bgt rasany balik ke masa2 smp :( , masa yg seru abis,,
masa2 dmna kita ngadain pagelaran, susahgampang sedihseneng, ketawakesel, n smuany adadah dsini. perjuanganny tu looo manteb bgt, smpe nangis2 demi bgusny pagelaran (y)
klo udh ngeliat ni tangga, psti bwaanny kangen melulu sma 9f :'( dsini dlu kita nyanyi breng, bcnda breng, senengsedih breng, n bnyk deh lgi yg gak bsa dlupain :D

to be continued.....

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

The Day to Remember

the first time since junior high school, I met with beautiful girls. he's good and smart. first, I saw it with my friend who was in a place. At that point, I looked into her eyes and said, "Woow, she's beautiful" words that only I keep in my heart, because I did not know him. The girls and I will ask my friend. and he was told and I know it.
I do not think, that in the eleventh grade, I was classmates with her, although when first enter the class I did not know her, but I've fallen in love at first sight. I, too, through step by step introduction. starting from the introduction in the classroom until the introduction through the blackberry messenger. precisely in early September 2011, I started doing "pedekate" with him. I was asked by friends what things he likes. some say she likes with Korean artist and Disney World. after doing "pedekate" I felt, "why did she not feel with me?".

"to be continued......"